
Over the last twenty five years I have developed technology in various fields that have been unique.
 Initially I protected the first of these with patents. Which in Australia with its suicidal tendency to wipe out its sovereignty & its previous near self sufficiency in manufacturing. Well lets just say our 'Leaders' not only let manufacturing die but actively killed it off.
So in spite of living in a climate that favored exporting raw material & selling real estate to the world, I laboured on designing & building product to sell both locally and on the international market..
Here are some of the developments. Note that I have not given descriptions or details. Some of these I manufactured in house & are in service & others I have prototyped to prove concept.
  Feel free to contact me below if you have a need for some of this technology.

* Primary Fluid Demand Valve 1988 for priority flow for domestic hot water installations.

* Thermal Shunt. Flame Out Protection for Instantaneous Gas Water Heaters 1994

* Flow Meter Proportioned Silver Ion Generator 2001

* Capacitive Fluid Conductivity Sensor

* Total Dissolved Gas Sensor

* Metallic Ion Sensor in aqueous solution. Both static & flow.

* Sensor for Dissolved Ammonia levels in water.

* Polyponics - Automated Hybrid of Aquaponic & Hydroponics.

* Electrostatic Colloidal Clay & Fe in solution removal.